Over 1225 years old, Leimersheim is a former fishermens' and sailors' village, that lies along the waters of the Rhein, in the middle of the district of Germersheim. The entire area has been designated as an environmentally protected area. Leimersheim was first mentioned in a document from 778 as "Leidmaresheim." However, bronze findings dating from Roman times prove that this area around the Rhein was already settled much earlier. In 960, Lord Rudolf came into control of the village, and built a well-fortified castle. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, the castle was torn down.
In the Leimersheim castle, court was held regularly in front of the fountain. In this manner, the citizens were able to learn and remember their rights and duties. One called the rights determined in this way "Weistum." The parish church, repeatedly destroyed, was built again in 1730.
In 1875, Abraham Weil, then a tax collector and later a honored citizen, opened the first bank. During new year's night in 1883, the residents of Leimersheim had to flee to Kuhardt and Rülzheim, because a breech in the dam caused the Rhein to flood the village. In the following decades, under the leadership of Colonel Tulla of Baden, there was a straightening of the Rhein and new dams were built to offer protection from the yearly flooding of the Rhein. Shortly after the outbreak of World War II, in 1940, the Leimersheim ferry was destroyed by a mine. The new ferry was started, however, it had to be sunk in March 1945.
In 1960, the "Villa Serr," a new community center, was built. In 1964, building was started on the Cardinal Wendel School and gym, it was officially opened in 1966. In 1969, Leimersheim won the gold medal in the national competition "Our Village is beautiful."
In 1970, in Synagogue Square, a memorial place was erected in memory of the citizens of Leimersheim who were victims of the Nazi terror regime from 1933-1945. A cemetery hall was built in the cemetery. [A hall where they have the cemetery service after the Mass before burial] In 1974, a modern kindergarten was built and a new fire house was built for the fire department.
In July 1978, Leimersheim celebrated 1200 years with a "Festwoche" or week of celebration. In 1983, a hall was built for athletic and community events at Fischmal. Since 1985, a bike path has connected the Rhein bike path with Leimersheim, Kuhardt, and Rülzheim. At the sport and community center, there was a music pavillion built with a terrace for the use by musical groups. Across from the cemetery was built a Mary memorial with a "La Salette Marienstatue", that is used especially during the month of May as a place of prayer to Mary.
In 1993, with the support of the provincial government, the sidewalks of the Mühlstrasse and the Rheinstrasse were rebuilt, and the lower main street was made into a pedestrian zone. In 1996, a new entrance to the area from the direction of Kuhardt was arranged.